Teacher Training ‘Restorative Yoga & Meditation’

Restorative Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training
Deze opleiding betreft in totaal 100 uur (4 keer 25 uur) training van de door de Yoga Alliance gecertificeerde docent Veda Ela.
Ben je geïnteresseerd in deelname dan kun je contact met ons opnemen voor een uitgebreide beschrijving van de training. Je ontvangt dan een document met de gedetailleerde inhoud van de 4 Fundamentals zodat je inzicht hebt in de content en wat je kunt verwachten.
Restorative yoga is een passieve vorm van yoga en bereid het lichaam voor op meditatie. Je leert (weer) naar je lichaam luisteren door jezelf totaal over te geven aan de yogahouding en het moment volledig te accepteren. Het is een Yin/passieve vorm van Yoga (Yoga van “zijn”) en balanceert de meer actieve vormen (Yang) van Yoga.
Voor uitgebreide informatie over de Teacher Training kun je ook terecht op de website van Veda Ela.
This Restorative Yoga and Meditation TT welcomes everybody. Yet, you would get the most of its benefits if:
- You are already a Yoga Teacher
- You are doing another Yoga Teacher Training
- You are a yoga student willing to dive deeper into the understanding of yourself with the intention of restoring and resetting your life.
Restorative Yoga, because of its passive nature prepares the body-mind system for Meditation. We learn to listen to the body surrendering to the pose, accepting the moment as it is. It is a Yin (feminine/ passive) form called the “yoga of Being” opposite and yet balancing the Yang (masculine/ active) practice. Restorative Yoga is an oasis in our active lifestyle as it works mainly on the nervous system bringing calmness, relaxation, and clarity to make decisions and act. This training will provide you with new tools to take onto your own practice, teachings and into everyday life. It is an in-depth learning for a life in a higher vibration with awareness, acceptance of oneself, others and care for the planet Earth. One of the great advantages of this training is that it gives you at the practical and energetically levels the space to take your time to integrate and move on as you are ready for the next step.
To make it more accessible you can also choose the city where the training is available and change location during the time the different Fundamentals are taught!
This Restorative Yoga and meditation Teacher training is done in 4 modules called “Fundamentals” (1, 2 , 3 & 4). “Fundamentals” need to be followed in order. Each module includes assignments: readings, observing classes, practicing teaching and assisting.
A certification is given after fully completing each Fundamental.
Op de agenda

Multi Dimensionaal Coach Opleiding

Sound Journey

Special TRE, Nidra en Restorative Yoga

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